Shielding Canopy | Silver-Cotton | Dubble bed

€996Excluding VAT
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Product Description:

From fabric Silver-Cotton with up to 42 dB attenuation at 1 GHz. Box-shape for double beds. Width: 220 cm, depth: 220 cm, height: 220 cm.

Silver-Cotton: Low priced cotton fabric with high shielding attenuation. Good light transmission and air permeability, the fabric crinkles somewhat. Shielding attenuation 42 dB. Groundable with grounding plate hook-and-loop GCV.

Care instructions

  • Gentle cycle at 30°C exlusively with our TEXCARE detergents
  • Iron without steam at degree 1
  • Drying at low temperature
  • No bleaching
  • No chemical dry-cleaning

This product with an electrically conductive surface can be grounded. Please find suitable grounding accessories under "Grounding".

Shielding attenuation HF & LF
This product shields high frequency electromagnetic fields (HF). Unless otherwise stated, the indicated dB-values apply to 1 GHz. Measurement from 600 MHz to 40 GHz according to standards ASTM D4935-10 or IEEE Std 299-2006.

This product with an electrically conductive surface shields low-frequency alternating electric fields (LF).

Laboratory & expert report of shielding attenuation up to 40 GHz

Yshield have invested in their own professional EMV laboratory. They not only use it to create laboratory screening reports but also to check each batch daily. Additionally, Yshield have all products checked by an independent, well-respected expert. Double checked for twice the safety. Please find the reports above at the downloads.

Ready for 5G
Some companies offer "special" 5G-products. All our products shields all 5G-frequencies, even without advertising this! Find two gray bars in all shielding diagrams with the 5G frequency spectrums FR1 (600 MHz – 6GHz) and FR2 (24 GHz – 40 GHz).

Recommended accessories for this item
Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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