High and low frequency shielding powder | For indoor use | 3 Liter

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Product Description:

High and low frequency shielding powder for indoor use, shields HF / LF, 5G, 4G etc.

  • With graphene technology, based on pure acrylate.
  • Solvent-free, breathable and low emissions.
  • Interior / Ceiling, quick-drying.
  • Shielding efficiency: see certificate.

5G Shielding Paint PLV - A mixed bag PLV3 (powder) gives 3 liters of ready-to-use screen paint for 12.5 m² (one layer) when 2 liters of water are added.

LeBlok carbon-based 5G screen color PLV has many advantages, high frequency radio exposure of mobile phones, mobile internet, 5G, WLAN, DECT, GSM, LTE etc. screens are very efficient and reliable.

The electric fields from the ordinary electricity can be grounded off with a cord from the paint to earth, but the product does not have to be earthed!

This 5G screen paint PLV 2.5 is based on pure acrylate, graphite and graphene technology. We offer the paint in powder form so that it is largely frost-resistant and can be stored for several years without losing its properties. An easy-to-apply screen color with high effect. It only needs to be mixed with 1.5 liters of water for 10 minutes with a stirrer and a drill (cordless screwdriver) according to the instructions. The paint consumption on smooth and primed surfaces is 5.0 m² per liter (for one layer) and 2.5 m² per liter (for two layers). The short drying time saves a lot of time and after a few hours (dry drying) it can be painted over without problems with the most commercially available wall paints (see attached processing instructions).

Shielding efficiency / 500 MHz to 40 GHz
The foreclosure efficiency was measured by an independent expert opinion. The values ​​for screen attenuation (1-layer, 2-layer) measured by an independent expert can be found in the linked expert opinion. We recommend (depending on the radiation exposure on site) to always protect yourself with at least two coats of paint.

This is a low odor, low emission protective paint that does not contain any chemical solvents.

All stated attenuation values ​​apply to frequencies from 500 MHz to 40 GHz and were measured in an expert opinion by Professor Pauli in Munich.

Measuring location: At the measuring position of the German Armed Forces University in Munich.

Very high shielding power for 5G
Thanks to many years of intensive research work and innovative product development the 5G screen paint PLV 2.5 (powder) has a shielding efficiency in a very wide frequency range (from low-frequency to high-frequency radiation).

The strength of our screen color lies mainly in the shielding of the - often used in the future - very high frequencies as with 5G. Since the product launch in 2019, this includes the two 5G frequency spectra FR1 (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and FR2 (24 GHz to 40 GHz).

Shielding performance up to 40 GHz
LeBlok has an independently prepared, external expert opinion from a long-known expert in high-frequency radar and microwave technology (Prof. Pauli, former University of the German Federal Armed Forces). From this independent expert opinion, you can see the shielding values ​​from 500 MHz up to 40 GHz.

Technical data
Color: Anthracite-black
Properties: This product is flameproof. Further information can be found in the enclosed safety data sheet.
Use: Ceiling, inner wall
Contents: A package PLV3 (powder) with the addition of 2 liters of water gives 3 liters of shielding finished paint (for self-mixing).
Packaging volume: Per 3 liter unit
Dimensions per standing bag: 34.0 cm (height) x 25.0 (width) x 10.0 cm (thickness)
Filling weight: 1,100 g

Substrates: Excellent adhesion on almost all substrates such as old paint, plasterboard, wallpaper, plaster, concrete, polystyrene, wood (unpainted) etc.
Further information can be found in the processing data sheet
Field type: LF (extremely low frequency alternating electric field), HF (high frequency electromagnetic field)
Ingredients: pure acrylic binder, graphite, graphene
VOC content: 0.2 g / l (EU limit value for category A / a has been 30 g / l since 2010)
Adhesion strength: 2.2 N / mm² with the addition of 1.5 liters of water f

Can be painted over 
Should preferably be painted over with dispersion paint for interior use. Do not use wallpaper on the screen paint, as the adhesive may dilute it and reduce its protection and the adhesion of the wallpaper to the screen paint is not recommended or guaranteed by us. In any case, avoid all clay-based paints. For natural or biological silicate emulsion paints, lime and casein paints, we recommend that you always do a test before use, as not all paints adhere to graphite / graphene in the same way! We do not recommend pure mineral paints (clay, pure silicate).

Important notes 
The electrical installation must have an earth leakage circuit breaker (RCD). In order to absorb extremely low-frequency electric fields, the ground resistance should preferably be below 10 Ohms. Ask a qualified electrician for more information. Note that the earth has no influence on the elimination of high frequencies, only for safety and extremely low frequency electric fields.

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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