LF Analyser ME3951A

€609Excluding VAT
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Product Description:

Electric and magnetic field meters to be able to measure fields from trains, electrical installations and HF lighting. 4 selectable frequency ranges: 5-400,000 Hz, 16 Hz, 50-400,000 Hz or 2,000-400,000 Hz.

This meter covers the full TCO bandwidth, and is therefore predestined for the professional user. Its functions and features are tailored to the needs and practical experience of the building biology. Due to its comparably low price, it is often also used for scientific and industrial purposes.

Main difference to the ME3851A:

  • The frequency response is extended to the full 400 kHz, as specified in the TCO directives.
  • This is an important decision criterion if you offer professional LF measurments, because modern switching power supplies are steadily moving into ever higher frequeny ranges, and many induction cookers work between 100 and 200 kHz.
  • Last but not least, the TCO policy is a well-known and recognized seal, giving the consumer some security.

Apart from the filter module, the ME3951A also fulfills all the other advantages of the series

  • The filter module for quantitative differentiation the artificial harmonics ("dirty power") as well as traction and mains power supply is included like in the ME3840B.
  • The filter module is indispensable for applying the much stricter guidelines recommended by the standard of building biology, especially for the frequency range from 2 kHz (“dirty power”) .
  • LCD reads comfortably in big numbers and directly in the units of the SBM standard values without further calculations.
  • The "Geiger counter effect" makes it easier to find hidden sources.
  • The included detailed measurement instruction enables the user to perform relevant measurements of EMF – even without technical expertise. With the help of this instrument you can spot - even obscured - sources of LF pollution.
  • Also the manual includes the recommendations for limiting values according to the standard of building biology SBM, which allow for a meaningful assessment of the personal level of EMF pollution


  • Electric fields: 1-2000 V / m or 0.1-200.0 V / m. Grounding cord included
  • Magnetic fields: 1-2000nT or 0.1-200.0 nT. 1-axis measurement
  • DC output for connecting logs
  • AC output for frequency analysis FFT or oscilloscope
  • Rechargeable battery, charger and audio signal included
  • Swedish and english manual
  • Garantie: 2 years

Suitable accessories:

  • Bag K5 small or Bag K2 medium bag

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Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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