Shielding headscarf | Steel-Gray | Three-cornered | Grey

€37Excluding VAT
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Product Description:

Shielding headscarf from Steel-Gray, three-cornered as typical headscarf, quadratic as Bandana. First-class workmanship and quality. 

Stable and long-lasting! Steel-Active is not so soft on the skin. The stainless steel threads feels like a little scratchy woolen sweater, but as headscarf over the hairs this doesn‘t bother. Because of the electrically conductive surface on both sides, low-frequency fields will connect less and can be conducted away more easily. Many electrosensitive people give priority to fabrics that are groundable!

Technical data

  • Size three-cornered: 120 x 85 x 85 cm
  • Size quadratic: 70 x 70 cm
  • Color: Gray
  • Attenuation: 42 dB
  • Raw materials: 40 % cotton, 30 % polyester, 30 % stainless steel

Care instructions

  • Washing up to 60°C
  • Iron without steam at degree 1
  • Drying at low temperature
  • No bleaching
  • No chemical dry-cleaning
  • Wash only with our special washing detergent TEXCARE, without enzymes or bleaching agents

Shielding attenuation HF & LF
This product shields high frequency electromagnetic fields (HF). Unless otherwise stated, the indicated dB-values apply to 1 GHz. Measurement from 600 MHz to 40 GHz according to standards ASTM D4935-10 or IEEE Std 299-2006.

Ready for 5G
Some companies offer "special" 5G-products. This products shields against all 5G-frequencies, even without advertising this! Find two gray bars in all shielding diagrams with the 5G frequency spectrums FR1 (600 MHz – 6GHz) and FR2 (24 GHz – 40 GHz).

Recommended accessories for this item
Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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